Whether it's a killer heartburn, stomachaches, diarrhea, gas, bloating, constipation, nausea, or vomiting, gastrointestinal issues can really effect our lives.
The digestive system is a group of organs that work together to change the food you eat into the energy and nutrients your body needs. After you consume food and liquids, the digestive system breaks them down into their basic parts: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins. These basic nutrients are then absorbed into the bloodstream, which carries them to cells throughout the body. Nutrients provide the cells with the energy they need for growth and repair. Everything in your body, from your hormones to your heart, needs the nutrients from the digestive process to work correctly.
When you eat, food travels from the mouth down the esophagus to the stomach. Then it moves through the small and large intestines, and eventually out through the anus as waste. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are also included in the digestive system. These organs produce chemicals that allow digestion to occur.
To keep your system healthy you want to have a healthy lifestyle. Eating well and working out will help in this process. If you do have Digestive issues, you should consult with your family physician to receive a proper diagnoses. Once you know what the issues are you can then take the steps to improve through lifestyle changes, and if need be medication. You can also look at alternative health options but ensure that you consult as well with a reliable person trained in Aromatherapy and/or Holistic Health alternative.