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Lice Prevention...what you should know

Lesley Silver

What can stress parents out after being at work all day, to come home to those nasty little bugger's that you just can't seem to get a handle on.

* Mom, I think I have lice...

* Mom, my head itches...

* Mom, what's this thing...

Let's learn more about them....

Head lice are crawling insects. They are tiny critters about the size of a sesame seed (2–3 mm long [mm stands for millimeter]). Their bodies are usually pale and gray, but their color may vary. One of these tiny bugs is called a louse. The nits are the eggs and shell remains after a louse lay an egg. They can also be difficult to spot depending on hair color, and can be confused for dandruff. After they eggs hatch they live the empty nit's stay on the hair shaft. You may also see a sticky substance, and they will stick on the hair shaft, so you will know it is not dandruff.

So parents - buy brushes and combs for every person in the house, don't permit the children to share, and remember we can also get them. Keep reminding the kids not to share with friends at school.

Lice eggs are more resistant while not on humans and they can live in the environment for about 10-12 days which is as long as it takes them to hatch. Nevertheless, once they hatch, they need to feed within 45 minutes or they die.

Lastly, the young lice need 10 days to become adults and during that time they are unable to lay eggs or move from one head to another. So, keep checking. Comb through constantly.

Itching on the areas where head lice are present is the most common symptom. It may take weeks after lice get on the scalp before the scalp becomes sensitive Most of the itching happens behind the ears or at the back of the neck. So check this area carefully. Also, itching caused by head lice can last for weeks, even after the lice are gone. You may even see little bumps, or red spots from where the lice may have bit.

Yes they are gross, but it can be controlled.

First steps: The Combing. Go out and buy a reliable Nit Comb if you don't already have 0ne - and between combing place in a cup of boiling water.

Step 1: Wet your child's hair.

( I recommend added cream rinse as this will make it easier to comb through the hair)

Step 2: Use a fine-tooth comb ( special combs are available for this) and comb through your child's hair in small sections.

Step 3: After each comb-through, wipe the comb on a wet paper towel. Examine the scalp, comb, and paper towel carefully.

Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you've combed through all of your child's hair.

Before beginning any head lice treatment note that some children may be sensitive. If your child is prone to being sensitive to medicine's, or treatments, that may have chemicals speak with your physician. Also many treatments can be chemical free PLEASE read all labels prior to use. There are alternate means as well for treating lice. Such as Essential Oils.

After each treatment, using the comb-out method every 2 to 3 days for 2 to 3 weeks may help remove the nits and eggs.

Head lice medicine should be used only when it is certain that your child has living head lice.

For a Healthy Alternative: Essential Oils for Lice are

Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca) and Eucalyptus Oil with a a carrier oil. Some good options are coconut oils , sweet almond oil or olive oil. This will be used to dilute the essential oils (they shouldn’t be used in a pure form directly on the skin or scalp).

Add 10 drops of each of tea tree and eucalyptus oil to one cup of carrier oil. If you’d like to Apply the mixture to the roots of the hair and ensure it reaches the scalp. Let sit for about 10-15 minutes. Follow the steps above for checking the hair. This should be repeated 3 days later. Continue to check the hair without the treatment to ensure no lice, or nits over the next few days. Only repeat actual treatment if there is lice found.

Everyone should be checked in the house. Remember as well if there are signs of lice, wash bedsheets. Pour boiling water over brushes, and nit combs.

You can also add some oils to your shampoo or cream rinse

I also suggest the following spray mixture to help prevent lice.



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