One of the main characteristics of Essential Oils has to be their Purity. Not all Essential Oils are equal, and I say you pay for what you get.
You have to ensure that when using Essential Oils, especially for Health & Wellness the oils are 100% pure - in each drop. I personally only use CPTG or Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade.
If they are not pure, it can increase the risk of germs, and/or contaminants to enter your body. Some oils you can just smell the difference. Saying 100% pure on the bottle doesn't mean the each drop is ( unless it is a blend that will specify if carrier oils are added), there are no guidelines currently to ensure this. So you have to just research a little on your own to know which Essential Oil companies are making pure grade.
When you are buying Essential Oils, you should know if the company does testing to determine if they are suitable, and don't detect any contamination before they could possibly harm you. It is quite easy in the process of Essential Oils for them to become contaminated. It could be at the initial source of production, measures are not in place to ensure that there is no risk of this occurring. It could be simply not cleaning the equipment between batches, and certain traces of a oil remain, and get mixed with others. It can even occur during the growing process with sprays of pesticides.
It can be as easy as company that will just add a few drops of 100% pure essential oil with carrier oil and sell it. When you are using these oils and mix blends up - by the time you are done, what is your percent of actual essential oil in your blend. Can you imagine, do you think these oils will help with the benefits that you are looking for? When this occurs it I know as Adulteration.
So do your research, check out the products, and ask questions. Don't just pick up an oil because it's inexpensive. Most of us are using these Oils for our Health & Wellness, so remember, when you actually consider the cost factor when you are making blends you are just adding a few drops of each. The breakdown is really not as expensive as you may think.
Enjoy your Essential Oils, and consider this. Isn't you family worth it?