Do you have a First Aid kit ready to go? Have you actually looked in it and found what you require when you need somethings? Does it only have the Basic essentials?
If you are ready to prepare your own, and customize it for what you need, or think you may need for when your family members have little emergencies then read on.

Disinfectant for hands and surfaces.
Insect repellant
Owie spray.
Bug bites relief spray or roller.
FCO, to dilute EO on the go.
Rolled Bandages
Triangle Bandage
Sterile Gauze
Latex Gloves
Antiseptic Cream
OILS TO HAVE IN THE KIT: You can have them in sample bottles or prepare roller bottle's for things you will require
Lemon: great for nausea - they can add a few drops in the palm of the hand and breathe in. Or smell right from the bottle. Can have inhalers ready to go. Can also just add some to water throughout the day nice and refreshing, and great for the tummy
Peppermint: great to cool you down. Can prepare a spray bottle with a few drops of oil plus water, and just use as needed. Great around the neck. Can also be used for headaches, fever, in a roller bottle put behind ears, and on forehead
Lavender: Great for calming, can be used for minor bruises, bites and stings
Melaleuca ( Tee Tree) cleaning wounds, great for earaches add to a cotton pad and place behind ear. I also use it for bug bites takes the itchy away. If the kids get Lice, Melaleuca with Rosemary can keep them away
Frankincense: great for tissue repair, has incredible healing properties. For mom's add to your face cream and great to help with your complexion.
Helichrysum: is great as a liquid bandaid - don't use on broken skin
Clove: add a drop for tooth aches, or on sore gums
This are just a few Essential Oils that are wonderful to have handy. There are so many more that can be used, as well as having blends prepared can also save a lot of time. For more information on different blends, or how you can receive these as well as other Essential Oils please contact me.
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