Emotional Health is really living a balance and having contentment in your life. You want to be able to "get up when life's challenges knock you down" and you can find your way to bounce back.
Emotional Health is functioning, through your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make up both our inner and outer worlds. It includes an overall experience of wellness in what we think, feel, and do through both the highs and lows of life, so we can function in society and live the demands of everyday life.
You want to look at yourself and really identify your emotions and how we think and act on them. One way is to write down what you feel are some of your strengths, and weaknesses. Try to be positive in different situations, even when it is difficult. Really attempt to be around positive people especially when you see yourself having emotional health issues, to get over the first steps. Try to find people that you can speak with, can understand and relate to you. Who will also "build you up" when things are difficult.
It is difficult, as it really makes you accept yourself, and have to work out your thoughts and behaviors. This can really help in gaining more self confidence, acknowledge that life will have stresses, and challenges. But, you have to find the balance to make things work for you.
Look for tools that will work for you, some suggestions
* Exercise
* Writing
* Being Creative through Art
* Needlework
find things that you enjoy.
Stay healthy, active, and take care of yourselves.