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Diabetes and the Use of Essential Oils

Lesley Silver

The holiday season is upon us, what a time to have to control what we eat and how. So if you love Essential Oils and the benefits you receive here are a few to help you during this time. As well as the rest of the year!

The key to finding the right balance between diabetes and essential oils are to know your expectation from the treatment. If your objective is to lose weight to alleviate the severity of your diabetic condition, then using essential oils in a diffuser may do the trick. However, if you are trying to heal a scrape or a wound, then the topical application is what you need. Essential oils need to be integrated into your lifestyle in such a way that you can manage not only the cause but also its symptoms. Here are some popular ways to use these potent oils by which you can inhibit the disease.

Cinnamon Essential Oil

Cinnamon is heavily recommended by doctors for diabetic relief. While one can also use the spice, Cinnamon oil is far more potent and can prove highly beneficial in maintaining your blood sugar levels. As a result, it prevents sugar cravings, overeating, and fatigue. There are many ways that diabetic people can use cinnamon oil in their daily lives and benefit from its natural healing properties, rather than depending solely on medications.

– Aromatic application: use cinnamon oil in a diffuser so that you can inhale the strong and potent fragrance of this oil. You can also dab some of it on your clothes or wrist. Some people also inhale directly from the bottle. Inhaling the oil helps control sugar cravings and appetite.

– Topical application: When using cinnamon oil, always use it with a carrier oil, such as coconut in 1:1 ratio. It is important to mix the oil before you apply it directly to your skin.

– Ingestion: You can safely consume cinnamon essential oil by ingesting it. However, only mix it in a reputed, organic oil that is free from chemicals and other toxins. You can also take a drop of cinnamon oil every day as a dietary supplement by adding it to your food or drinks.

It is safe to use one or two drops every day to enjoy the full health benefits of cinnamon oil. However, remember to use it with caution as it can also be an irritant if used improperly.

Coriander Essential Oil

Coriander has been used conventionally to help treat digestive problems such as diarrhea, flatulence, anorexia and colic pain. However, coriander or cilantro essential oil can also be used to fight this disease. Research proves that coriander can reduce serum glucose and promote secretion of insulin in the pancreas. Moreover, this oil also enhances insulin absorption by the cells and help lower blood sugar levels in type 2. Here are some ways you can use coriander oil to control diabetic symptoms:

– Topical use: Cinnamon and coriander essential oil are both known for their powerful effects in fighting the effects. You can mix a few drops of both in a carrier oil, such as coconut, and rub it at the bottom of your feet. Regular application will help maintain glucose levels.

– Diffuser: You can also add 3-4 drops in a diffuser to inhale the coriander oil and allow it to work its magic on your blood sugar. You can also rub a drop of oil on the palm of your hands and inhale slowly by cupping your hands around your mouth.

– Ingestion: It has been recommended that consuming one or two drops of coriander essential oil after large meals help in digestion. You can also rub the oil on your stomach to charge up your digestive system.

– Massage oil: you can bust stress, the biggest cause of diabetes, by making a concoction of essential oils – two cups Epsom salts, ten drops each of coriander and lavender oil – and massage on your skin. It will not only soothe your muscles but also regulate the blood glucose levels to a healthy low.

Coriander essential oil is very effective in the treatment of digestive disorders and diabetic symptoms. However, consult your physician before use if you are pregnant or a nursing mother.

Clove Essential Oil

Cloves are obtained from flower sprout of a tropical evergreen tree. Research says that patients who are suffering from condition can benefit from clove’s glucose-lowering properties. Clove oil works wonders when it comes to blood purification and controlling blood sugar levels. The phenol concentration found in clove oil helps regulate insulin and response of glucose in the body. In addition to that, clove can also balance the insulin levels when it is consumed as a supplement. Type 2 patients can benefit greatly from clove oil as it also helps reduce cholesterol levels and glucose levels in the body. Here are some tips to use clove oil:

– Aromatherapy: clove oil blends well with many essential oils, including cinnamon oil that is known for its positive impact on mitigating symptoms. You can use the blend of two for aromatherapy sessions or put it in a diffuser for inhalation.

– Culinary: clove is not only known for its medicinal properties but also for its use as a flavoring agent. You can use a few drops of oil in your food or salad for the extra flavor and enjoy the beneficial effects it has on your blood sugar levels.

– Massage: Clove oil contains eugenol which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, proven favorable for the treatment of numbness in hands and feet that are caused in diabetic patients due to oxidative stress. Massaging this oil can be beneficial in relieving some of that discomfort.

Clove oil blends well with many oils, making its application easier in your day to day lives. However, it is important to note that this oil is very sharp and potent. It must always be diluted before use. This is why it is recommended to check with a medical practitioner regarding proper dosage.

Melissa Essential Oil

Some herbs and essential oils are just naturally anti-diabetic. Melissa essential oil, just like cinnamon, has organic properties such as hypoglycemic and anti-diabetic agents. A study conducted six years ago showed visible results in mice that were administered Melissa essential oil for six weeks. Their blood glucose levels were reduced significantly, and they also showed signs of improved tolerance for glucose. When tested, the control group of mice also displayed much higher serum insulin levels. Together, all these aspects help in inhibiting common symptoms. For someone who is battling with blood sugar discrepancy, just a minute quantity of Melissa essential oil can make a significant difference in their diabetic symptoms and digestive health. Here are some tips to use Melissa essential oil for treatment of this condition.

– Diffuser: You can either inhale Melissa oil directly from the bottle or add it to a diffuser. But just small quantities are enough to regulate the glucose levels.

– Topical application: You can also use a drop of oil on your hands, wrist or behind the ears for the treatment of depression and anxiety. Stress is one of the leading causes of diabetes and its treatment at the root level can prevent it from culminating into one of many dangerous conditions.

– Ingestion: Dilute a few drops to trigger digestive properties of this oil. It is also beneficial in promoting healthy glucose balance in your body.

Essential oils are highly concentrated and can be very useful for people who use it. However, its misuse can just as easily wreak havoc on your system. This is why it is advisable to work closely with your doctor, and only use recommended dosage for best results.

Natural Ways of Treatment

While diabetes is bad news, there is also a silver lining to this disease! Type 2, the most common form, is reversible or can be dramatically reduced by making lifestyle changes. Let us explore some ways to reverse the condition naturally.

– Control the insulin: as soon as your body displays resistance to insulin, you become susceptible. This is why it is crucial to regaining your insulin sensitivity before the problem becomes untamable. For starters, you will have to limit the consumption of grains, sugars, and processed carbs. Realigning your focus on healthy eating will go a long way in not only controlling diabetes but also other ailments.

– Eat fat: This is the last thing you expect to see in an article that preaches healthy eating. However, fat has been demonized for all the wrong reasons. The idea is to eat good fat that is found in Omega-3 fats. Most foods that you buy off the shelf contain Omega-6 fats, the main component that causes diabetes. Prevent omega-6 fat oils and get your source of fats from fish like salmon and sardines instead.

– Fix your diet: Start by eliminating toxic foods and refined grains. Find ways to consume probiotics to let your intestines heal from the years of damage inflicted by poor diet.

– Get moving: Exercise is very important for your body. Introduce a regular exercising routine to your daily life. However, train your body to do small bursts of high-intensity exercise to have beneficial effects on insulin levels.

Following a healthy diet and regular exercising routine is the perfect recipe for long and healthy life. You will be not only able to overcome this disease but also many other illnesses caused due to poor lifestyle.


Diabetes, when left to its own devices, can have fatal consequences. Natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and dietary adjustments are all beneficial in mitigating the effects, but never modify your medications without seeking guidance from your physician.

It is not easy I myself am Type 2: Added stress can increase my levels, and have to say I am under quite a bit. What ever you can do or try to do is better then nothing at all. Hope this helps a little and best of luck. If you are interested in learning more lets be in touch.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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