They can, and it is simpler then you think.

Have you seen doTERRA’s health pyramid and asked what it really means? DoTERRA wellness lifestyle pyramid is made up of 6 levels that are detailed below.
1)Eating right– is all about food, nutrition, and hydration. Studies have shown that no matter what diet we are on we all need vitamins for extra support and nutrition. Many of us don’t drink enough water and some of us that do might not retain the fluids that our body needs. Try adding a few drops of lemon or your favorite citrus essential oil to your water for extra support to help cleanse and rehydrate the body. I also love adding Lime
2)Exercise-Easy to do….easy not to do!!! This is one area of my life that it’s “easy not to do” the recommended exercise of 30 min 3x a week. However, exercise is a great way to increase oxygen, keep our muscles strong and joints limber.
Peppermint is great to open your airway before a workout and Deep Blue Rub to support muscles after. Take the time and find a suitable exercise that you can do, check out many apps on your phone that are available. They don't have to take out much of your day
3)Rest and manage stress-6-8 hours of sleep is recommended daily. There are many oils to help manage anxious feeling and manage stress, so pick the ones that fit your needs. Essential oils can help promote good sleep by encouraging relaxation and reducing stress. Some essential oils can even help foster deeper sleep. For example: use balance and serenity on wrists and breathe in or try adding emotional support oils to the diffuser or add a drop in your hand and take deep breaths. Lavender, Adaptiv, so many available find which one will work best for you. When you are rested, you feel your best. Good sleep habits make us feel and perform better. However, sometimes sleep seems to be one of the most difficult healthy habits to cultivate.
Before bed take a bath using your favorite relaxing oil, diffuse serenity and breathe, and try taking serenity capsules 1/2 hour before bed. I love spraying my "linen spray" on my sheets and pillow's - helps me to relax and get a good night sleep.
4) Reduce toxic load-doTerra makes everything from shampoo, conditioner, skincare, toothpaste, Onguard concentrate cleaner, laundry detergent etc. so go through your household products to see where you can cut down your toxic load. You can find many DIY to make inexpensive items to use in your home. Will be a huge cost saver as well.
Here's one DIY which I hope you can see how easy it is
IY Natural Cleaner Recipe:
1/2 cup vinegar
2 tsp castile soap
2 cups water
20 drops of essential oils (tea tree or lemon are great ones to use)
5) Informed self care-you know your body better than anyone so listen to it and study what would be the best for you. Find ways that suit you - what works for your friends may not for you.
6) Good medical care-find a great doctor that listens to your needs. If you want to follow a healthier lifestyle many medical professionals are also coming on board so do your research.
7.) It is about balance. You don’t have to change everything overnight nor should you. Start off with changing one simple area of your life. Preferably an area that is important to you. It’s about creating a toxic free lifestyle with small consistent steps that you take everyday for you and your family!
You are not alone or at least you don't have to be. There are so many available tools to begin the journey. When I started - and still to this day, Google is my best friend. With the help from friends on Facebook, and so many different groups out there you can receive great support.
If you are interested here is a link to all the wonderful products.