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Caution: Not all Essential Oils can be Ingested, but yes some CAN BE

Lesley Silver

There is a lot of controversy on this topic. You have to be smart, ask questions, and consult with a certified Aromatherapist. You also have to ensure that the Essential Oils you are using are 100% Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG).

It is also important to know that even if the brand you use is 100% pure they will also be heavily concentrated so even though many can help us in different situations, they can also have an extremely adverse effects if not used safely. Not all oils can be ingested, so you also are required to know if they are okay and what the healthy amount to be used. (Same if you are making blends for topical use) Depending on the age, medical circumstances, and medications that are being taken this will also have to be discussed prior to not only ingesting any oils, but for using them as well, with someone who has knowledge with Essential Oils.

If you decide you want to ingest after consulting with someone, ensure that you ingest in small drops in another liquid such as water because ingesting essential oils in large amounts can be dangerous. If used correctly, these essential oils can be useful in treating multiple ailments. Some can be very beneficial as well - by placing a 1-2 drops under your tongue. Many combinations of oils can be added to a veggie-cap and taken internally, this too consult with someone who can advised you on the amount of drops and combination of oils to be used

Remember: I would always be careful not to ingest too much. 1 15 ml bottle of lemon essential oils has the equivalent to 3000 lemons. (zest only) That's strong!

Essential Oils move through our body very quickly. Within 22 seconds, essential oil molecules have reached the brain, in two minutes they enter the blood stream, and in 20 minutes the oil has affected every cell in the body.

There's many books on the market, one of my favorites is the Modern Essentials. This book tells you what you can and cannot ingest, whether it is safe to use with or without dilution, safe to use if pregnant, safe or not for children. Check out You Tube for incredible video's.

Just remember, which ever way you use essential oils, topically, ingesting, aromatically or through inhalation, be cautious, consult with a Aromatherapist, and be aware of what will be good for you and your family to bring all of you the benefits of Essential Oils.


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