Cooking with essential oils is largely to enjoy the flavors and fragrance, with a dash of potential health benefits on the side.
Many say it is not a wise decision to cook / bake with Essential Oils, but that is coming from those that feel Essential Oils do not have any benefits and are not aware that used properly they can have huge health as well as add incredible flavor to your foods.
You must ensure that the Essential Oils that you do use are :
* CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade
* one's that can be ingested
* highly concentrated, so must be used in much smaller quantities - generally one drop will replace a teaspoon
Dilute them in a carrier oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, or butter before adding to a meal
Add after cooking, these oils are sensitive to high heat so add them after the heating of the meal is done
Very important to consult with a reliable Aromatherapist or individual who is knowledgeable with Essential Oils
Easy way to begin your journey to adding Essential Oils to your culinary skills is beginning simple. Add to drinks, sauces, marinades and of course salad dressing.
I love adding lemon to many of my drinks, tea, juice and water. Not only does it add great flavor but I am also getting the heath benefits and it will assist in purifying the body, and best of all weight loss.
What seasoning and spices do you use to your favorite foods? Next time think of what is available in Essential Oils and add a little drop as well.
My easy quick recipe..
Peppermint Chocolate Mousse
Whip up a container of Whipped Cream
Melt one large chocolate "bar" good for baking
Add to whipped cream - add 2-3 drops of Peppermint Oil and stir (can add more if you like real minty)
There you have it awesome, easy Chocolate Mousse - tried and tasted by many