So far my previous posts have been more general., but would like to focus this one on a specific condition, EPILEPSY AND ESSENTIAL OILS
You may wonder why I want to discuss a specific condition and the use of Essential Oils – for the past 9 months I have been working with a family and the youngest – age 7 has severe epilepsy. He is using Cannabis – in many different forms, and at times his strains haven’t been available – or have changed and I started researching ways to help him. So before getting into the specifics lets discuss a little about epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder, people with this disorder can have different reactions depending on the severity of the condition. Some of the common symptoms are confusion, staring blankly or more severe jerking and/or twitching of arms and legs. These seizures can last from seconds to minutes, and depending on the length of time – can cause further neurological damage over time.
It is very important to be under the care of a physician and proper health is so important. Many physicians will recommend the Keto diet as well. Different medications will be prescribed depending on the severity. There are different options and many people will research these to determine the best care for the individual. I would highly recommend which ever decision or treatment course you decide, to always consult with a physician.
With the Essential Oils “craze” coming forward many people are seeing incredible results. Essential Oils have been around since the times of the Bible but today with so many people wanting to take a natural and safe course of action they are being used more often. With anything though it is so important to work out a safe plan while using them to have all the benefits. Many Oils are not recommended for people with epilepsy and can have an adverse effect. Some of these are the following, as they can trigger seizures in some people with epilepsy.
* Rosemary
* Fennel
* Sage
* Eucalyptus
I would like to mention oils that can help and reduce symptoms, and can assist the individual in improving their overall health.
Frankincense: as this oil assists with both brain activity and breathing. It basically slows down and deepens the breath wile improving circulation and reducing inflammation.
* blend it with carrier oil and massage into temples and neck, role on big toe
*2 drops under tongue (pure 100% only) morning and night.
(More blend combinations later on in this post)
Chamomile: Due to the calming effects of this oil, it can help reduce stress as many people with epilepsy have mental and physical strain that can result from the seizure. You often see people prior to a seizure attempt to “fight” it off with hand and leg movements. As well during seizure or right after – if you put your hand on knee or the elbow you will feel “vibrations” as the seizure is still going on – it feels like a pulsing sensation.
*blend with carrier oil and place on pulse points ( wrists and toes)
Copaiba: As mentioned in my last Blog Post – this oil is newer to the market but has been an amazing launch due to its powerful ability to treat pain, inflammation and yes assist in helping those with epilepsy.
* 2 drops under tongue every 4 hours
As mentioned earlier the little boy I have been working with – these are some of the combinations I have been using with him and seeing great results with.
When I have being seeing him in great stress, either just prior to or right after seizure I have put 2 drops Copaiba under tongue. He becomes calmer and appears to come out of seizure easier – or if after – more relaxed.
I have made a Blend with Cobaiba – Frankinsece and Balance with Carrier Oil ( use Fractionated Coconut Oil) roll up and down his spine, on forward and back of next every 3-4 hours.
When he is very stressed or a little on the hyper side, not necessarily due to the seizures but his general behavior I have used Lavender Touch on his wrists I have found that within 5-10 minutes he is much more relaxed.
In the past 2 months we have been seeing him with less seizures – more talkative and responsive. I am not saying that this is just because of the oils but this as a combination with his medical recommendations, his mothers research on which foods he should or shouldn’t eat, and his cannabis there are huge improvements, I highly recommend those with epilepsy should be on a program including Essential Oils.
Contact me for more information at:
or can purchase these and other others at:
or through the Contact me: In my website:
Note: There are no studies that have been done to prove essential oil’s effectiveness in preventing or lessening seizures of any kind. However, many individual testimonials state it can help.