I have found that using Essential Oils is a learning opportunity. There is just so many ways you can experience the benefits of these incredible oils. Sometimes it does get confusing, but when you come on board, you don't have to do everything, once you begin to experience what they can do, slowly decide what you require for you and your family and "build" your supplies.
Its fun, can get the kids involved as well, and together lets go on the Essential Oil Journey.
Here are just some tips to get started
1. Be selective of where you purchase your essential oils. The quality of essential oils varies widely, many companies say they are 100% pure, but there are no guidelines to the amount of drops in a bottle, to make it pure. Some companies may claim that their oils are undiluted or pure when they aren't. That is why there is a vast price difference.
* If you are currently using a "store bought" oil do the test, put it on a cloth. Does it stain, if so then it is not 100% pure, they have added a carrier oil to this.
2. Store your oils in dark glass (amber or cobalt blue) and in a cool, dark place. There are many great products now on the market in either wood or fun materials to store your oils. Carrying cases make it easy take them with you, and I have a little bag that is easy to carry around in my purse with my favorite oils I use regularly. Essential Oils can break down plastics, so only use glass bottles.
3. Read as much as you can on the use of Essential Oils, I now say Google is my best friend. There are amazing books, on Essential Oils, and Aromatherapy, first is learn about the safety issues, ask around for advise from others that use Essential Oils as well. There are many Facebooks groups as well which share wonderful recipes, tips, forum for asking questions as well.
Are you ready?
So lets go on the ESSENTIAL OIL JOURNEY. If you are interested in learning more, contact me and you can be part of my team. I only use Doterra Essential Oils, 100% pure, CPTG and many of the Oils are certified Kosher.