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Essential Oils for Stress Relief

Lesley Silver

Everyone has some stress in their life - how we handle it can make all the difference. First off what is stress?

* stress is the body's way have handling a challenge.

* stress is a feeling we get when you are overloaded and struggling to cope with the daily routine

*stress can also be a motivator

*stress can also be harmful if a person is overcome by to many stressors and than can affect your mental and/or physical health

There are many things we can do to control stress, but depending on how it effects us or how we deal with it, can also lead to many health issues if not taken care of. By being more aware of how you deal with stress, and what works for you, can benefit the reaction and the coping mechanism for it.

If stress levels are high and you are not sure what to do, the use of Essential Oils can be a relief for overcoming some of these feelings. So lets look at some of these and see what may work for you. Remember as well, every body is different, so what may work for you, may not for someone else. It could take time to see what is right for you. These are just a few of the oils that are wonderful for stress

  • Lavender: It will help to promote peace and has a very calming effect

  • Chamomile: It's a great mood-lifter with its very peaceful scent, and can decrease those worrisome times

  • Frankincense: Can help you relax and improve mood. It is also really spiritual grounding

  • doTERRA Serenity: experience peace and serenity! This is also a great relaxation oil, I personally use this to help me sleep.

  • Ylang ylang: Its very uplifting and has calming effects, it is known for its abilities as a mood enhancer and calming agent.

  • Bergamot: In addition to its energy-boosting properties, bergamot can also induce relaxation (this is a great oil to use in combination with other stress oils).

These oils can be used individually or combined, depending on what you require. Add to a roller bottle with a carrier oil and use on bottom of feet and/or wrists a few times through the day. Use can also use in a diffuser.

Not sure what will work for you, please be in touch as an Doterra Essential Oil Advocate we can create a blend that will be right for you. Contact me through the website:

or look me up on Facebook:

The Soul Essentials


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