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Benefits of Essential Oil Necklaces

Lesley Silver

Do you have a Essential Oil Necklace? You should my personal experience.

Wore mine yesterday with Whisper - just love the smell and find it calming.

I had to go to another city 2 1/2 hours away

1. Avoided a car accident - generally nervous afterwards - stayed calm

2. Had to do banking and discuss with the Manager how I can lower payments. We all know how this generally makes us feel - stayed nice and calm

3. Major traffic getting home - stayed calm

4. Got home later than anticipated and still had to put in my hours for work - stayed calm

This is not generally me - stayed calm and more relaxed and whenever I felt a little bit tense just smelled the scent.

Today - wearing it again....they come with 5 pads so can change the Essential Oil for different things and find what works well for you.


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